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Juvenile Law Center today launched Failed Policies, Forfeited Futures: Revisiting a National Scorecard on Juvenile Records – a national report evaluating state juvenile records policies. The report updates a project the organization launched in the fall of 2014 – the nation’s first-ever, comprehensive evaluation of state juvenile record confidentiality and expungement laws against best practices for record protection.

In The News
Shani Saxon, Colorlines •

Juvenile Law Center uncovers the dangers of current juvenile records policies across the country, which can lead to lifelong harm against Black and Brown youth.

Blog post
Malik Pickett, Esq.,

The Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force resumed and held its second meeting on June 10, 2020. As you will recall, the initial Task Force meeting

In The News
Judge Steven Teske and Naomi Smoot Evans, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange •

4.2 million. That’s the number of homeless youths in America every year. This opinion piece is about the 4.2 million, how and why we marginalize them