Privacy Policy
Juvenile Law Center takes your privacy seriously and is committed to protecting the information that we collect from you when you visit our website,, all web pages under the domain, the website for submitting donations hosted on the domain, and all other web pages or websites otherwise developed or maintained by Juvenile Law Center now or in the future (all of which are referred to in this Privacy Policy as the “Site” or “Website”). This Privacy Policy describes the information we collect from you, how we use your information, and the choices you have with respect to that information.
Please read this Privacy Policy carefully when using our Website, including to submit donations. By accessing, browsing, or using our Website or by providing Juvenile Law Center with personally identifiable information, you are accepting the terms described in this Privacy Policy.
Revisions to This Privacy Policy
Juvenile Law Center maintains the right to update and revise this Policy at any time. You can determine if this Policy has been revised since your last visit by referring to the “Effective Date of Current Policy” date at the bottom of this page. Your use of the Website constitutes your acceptance of the terms of the Policy. You should review this Policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of future amendments.
Contacting Juvenile Law Center
If you have any questions or comments concerning this Privacy Policy, or would like to review, revise, or delete any of your personally identifiable information held by us, or otherwise advise us regarding how you would like your personally identifiable information to be used or disclosed, you may contact us by sending an email to [email protected]. You may also write to us or call us at:
Katy Otto
Director of Communications
Juvenile Law Center
The Philadelphia Building
1800 JFK Blvd, Suite #1900B
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Telephone: 215-625-0551