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Blog post
Jessica Feierman, Esq., Senior Managing Director ,
Advocates have been pushing for this reform since the bill was last reauthorized in 2002; the passage of this law is a welcome bi-partisan achievement.
Blog post
Jessica Feierman,
No doubt, our facilities need better oversight to avoid such abuses – but our youth also deserve more than that. They deserve to be kept safe and supported in their own homes, in other family settings, and in their communities.
Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

This article is part of a series celebrating the tenth anniversary of Juvenile Law Center’s youth advocacy programs. Since 2008, our programs have recruited

Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

This article is part of a series celebrating the tenth anniversary of Juvenile Law Center’s youth advocacy programs. Since 2008, our programs have recruited

This blog is part of a series celebrating the tenth anniversary of Juvenile Law Center’s Youth Advocacy Program. Since 2008, our advocacy programs