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Andrew Keats, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange •

The juvenile justice system was created 120 years ago to reform and rehabilitate “wayward” youth to ensure they had the opportunity to achieve productive futures

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration announced Friday a planned overhaul of the state’s juvenile justice system whose hallmark is a move from juvenile facilities that mimic

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The University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School's Office of Communications •

As a Penn Law Review Public Interest Fellow, Michael Joseph L’19 is working on the Economic Justice team at Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia. The University

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Shani Saxon, Colorlines •

Juvenile Law Center uncovers the dangers of current juvenile records policies across the country, which can lead to lifelong harm against Black and Brown youth.

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Judge Steven Teske and Naomi Smoot Evans, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange •

4.2 million. That’s the number of homeless youths in America every year. This opinion piece is about the 4.2 million, how and why we marginalize them