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In The News
Manuela Arciniegas, Andrus Family Fund •

Manuela Arciniegas, Interim Director of AFF, kicks off a new season of Out of the Margins with a brand new episode.

On this episode, Manuela

In the last year we have seen an influx of data that should grab our attention and demand policy and practice changes. These data sources show in striking terms that we are failing older youth in the foster care system.
In The News
The Crime Report •

Often, paying these fees is a condition for being cleared from the system. If a family can’t afford the fees, the child can end up

There are about a hundred thousand college students enrolled in Pennsylvania's state system of higher education right now. However, for Jasmine Moore, Alexis Andino, and roughly five hundred PA foster youth each year, the opportunity to share in this rewarding and social experience often times feels like an unachievable dream.
Research shows how important permanency and family are to success, and how being disconnected from family puts youth as risk for poor outcomes such as homelessness.
In The News
Paul McLeod, BuzzFeed news •
If a family can’t afford the fees, the child can end up trapped in indefinite parole. More parole can mean more supervision and court fees, pushing a resolution even further away.