Our staff and youth advocates have been leading the way to a brighter future for Pennsylvania's youth for years. Learn more about our recent work.


HB 1381: A Years Long Journey to Reform

After years of languishing in Pennsylvania's House of Representatives HB 1381 is finally on its way! Our staff and youth advocates were instrumental in the crafting of this key piece of legislation.

YA alumni Anthony Simpson

Fighting for an Effective Office of the Child Advocate

When a child is abused or experiencing harsh conditions in a facility in Pennsylvania there are few pathways to justice. Filing a grievance against a staff member or facility could potentially expose a child to further harm and ultimately pull them further into the system. 

Unfortunately, Pennsylvania's Office of the Child Advocate does not have the necessary tools in place to meet the needs of system-impacted youth. Learn more from Youth Advocacy Program alumni Anthony Simpson and founder of the Center for Children's Justice Cathleen Palm about what legislators need to do to improve outcomes for Pennsylvania's youth. 

The Urgency of Reforming PA’s juvenile justice system

What happens to a classroom when children feel more like prisoners than students? In Allegheny County this isn't a hypothetical. This is their reality. Learn how HB 1708 could help disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline in Pennsylvania.