Future Interrupted: How Juvenile Records Push Youth into Homelessness

Natane Eaddy, MSSW, Esq.,
Homeless youth.

A juvenile record can increase the likelihood that a youth will experience homelessness. Private landlords have broad discretion to rent property to families and can enact policies to deny housing to individuals with juvenile or criminal backgrounds. Public housing facilities likewise prohibit youth with a record from residing on the premises with their families, often resulting in youth being separated from their families or their entire families becoming homeless. Sometimes the lack of stable housing can result in arrest for related offenses, such as loitering or breaking curfew.


This infographic illustrates how records construct barriers to housing for young people with juvenile records. Young people should never be pushed further into the justice system because they are homeless, nor should they face greater risk for homelessness because of their justice system involvement.

Join Juvenile Law Center this Second Chance Month by sharing this infographic to demonstrate how juvenile records can lead to homelessness and housing insecurity.


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