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Smart Talk concludes its four-part Real Life Real Issues series on the state's juvenile justice system with a look at maintaining the education of youth

Blog post
Anthony Simpson, Youth Advocate,

The stigma attached to being homeless has a massive impact on the prevention and direct treatment of homelessness, regardless the severity of one’s situation. No child should bear the responsibility of acquiring housing alone. These days, though, technology is so accessible and essential to the social sphere of young people. We are never truly alone, are we?

In The News
Marcia Hopkins, Philly Daily News •

TRANSITIONING FROM adolescence to young adulthood is an arduous feat for anyone. Imagine going through this transition at 18, alone – looking for housing, maintaining

Blog post
Susan Mangold, Executive Director ,

Today is the 50th Anniversary of In Re Gault, the U.S. Supreme Court case that granted children the right to counsel and other key due process protections when facing delinquency charges in juvenile court. Fifty years later, full implementation of the decision remains uneven, but its promise still guides our advocacy as we continue to work to ensure that kids are treated fairly by our justice system.

In The News
Albert Hong, •

Youth Matters Philly, an app to help youth find local resources like shelters and food banks, was officially launched Monday, May 1, during aÂ