Act 91 FAQs: Notifying Youth
This FAQ represents the interpretation of Juvenile Law Center. We will update this FAQ as we learn new information, so please check back frequently for updates.
Is the county children and youth agency obligated to notify youth about their right to remain in care past age 18 under Act 91?
Yes. The Children in Foster Care Act requires that youth be notified of their right to request to remain in care past age 18 under the law. Now that the Juvenile Act has been amended by Act 91, the notification must be based on the amended law. This means that the children and youth agency must inform youth that they can request to remain in care past age 18 and of the criteria under the law for making their request. A youth-friendly brochure on the new law can be found here.
It is recommended that county agencies, providers, lawyers, and judges start discussing the option to remain in care past age 18 well before the youth reaches age 18 so that an ongoing dialogue can occur about the pros and cons of remaining in care as well as the importance of transition planning.