Act 91 FAQs: Which Youth Are Covered
This FAQ represents the interpretation of Juvenile Law Center. We will update this FAQ as we learn new information, so please check back frequently for updates. For more information, please contact Jenny Pokempner at Juvenile Law Center at (215) 625-0551, ext. 111., or [email protected].
Is a youth who aged out of care prior to the enactment of the law—but who is still under age 21—eligible to re-enter?
Yes. If the youth meets the eligibility criteria, they are eligible even if they discharged before the law was enacted.
Does this include youth who were dependent and aged out in states other than Pennsylvania?
No. One of the key components of eligibility for resumption of jurisdiction is that the youth was previously adjudicated dependent in Pennsylvania and had dependency jurisdiction under the Juvenile Act terminated within 90 days of turning age 18 or after turning age 18.