Fostering Connections To Success Act in Pennsylvania
Two Pennsylvania laws - Act 80 and Act 91 - provide greater opportunities and support to older youth in foster care. By extending adoption and guardianship subsidies to age 21 for some youth, these laws not only help provide support and guidance for youth who are not ready to be on their own at age 18, but they will also increase the number of youth who leave the system and achieve permanency.
Act 91 amends various provisions of the Juvenile Act to expand the criteria for youth to remain dependent and under court jurisdiction. It also allows eligible youth to re-open their dependency case before turning 21 if they aged out within 90 days of turning age 18 or any time after turning age 18. View the related excerpt from Act 91 here.
Act 80 amends provisions of the Public Welfare Code to extend guardianship and adoption subsidies to age 21 for eligible youth whose subsidy arrangement became effective at age 13 or older. View the related excerpt from Act 80 here.
Other Resources for Youth
This guide builds upon the NCWD/Youth organizing framework, Guideposts for Success, which details what research says all youth, including youth with disabilities, need to successfully transition to adulthood.
Provides information on three significant federal laws—the Fostering Connections Act, the College Cost Reducation Act, and the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act—that impact educational opportunities for older youth in the foster care system.
Provides useful information for child welfare professionals and others who work with youth transitioning to adulthood and independent living.
A resource guide for child welfare professionals to help young people from foster care prepare academically, financially, and emotionally for postsecondary education and training success.
The YouthSuccessNYC website has a new section on money, which features true stories to inspire teens leaving care, and helpful articles like “How to Create a Budget,” Why Open a Bank Account?,” and “Credit Cards: Buy Now, Pain Later,” as well as information on how to enroll in Youth Financial Empowerment, a free program to help teens start saving.
Brings the true stories of three formerly homeless young people to participants in your transitional or independent living program.
An online community providing youth a safe place to obtain facts about foster care, read inspirational stories, and find support from their peers.
YAB is comprised of current and former substitute care youth ages 16-21. Youth leaders on the YAB educate, advocate, and form partnerships to create positive change in the substitute care system. The website provides information for youth in and aging out of foster care.
Gives inspiration and information to teens in foster care while offering staff useful insights into teen concerns.
Juvenile Law Center runs two free listservs for child welfare professionals, lawyers, paralegals, and advocates to discuss Pennsylvania's Act 91 and Act 80.