Youth Solitary Confinement Continues Despite Ongoing Criticism

Talia Kirkland, Fox News •

Jessica Feierman, a lawyer and youth advocate at Juvenile Law Center, called the practice “unregulated, inhumane, and torture.”

“The courts have stated that this is harmful, cruel and unusual punishment under the eighth amendment and violates the 14th amendment,” said Feierman who hopes states will follow the lead of the federal government, “we want to ensure through court action that every state eliminates solitary confinement.”

Jails hold youth in solitary confinement to keep them away from the general population.

But advocates say rather than protecting them, the facilities are doing more harm than good.

About the Expert

Jessica Feierman oversees Juvenile Law Center’s projects and programs. Feierman currently leads a national effort to end fines and fees in the juvenile justice system and is engaged in litigation aimed at eliminating solitary confinement and other abusive practices in juvenile facilities.

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