Victim Advocates Call Into Question Two New Jersey Judges' Handling of Rape Cases

MaryClaire Dale, AP / Time •

Marsha Levick, co-founder of the Juvenile Law Center, called Troiano’s comments “ignorant and sexist and appalling,” but she does not necessarily think the case belongs in adult court.

She believes that rape and other serious cases can be fairly adjudicated in juvenile court if judges are properly trained. In most states, juvenile offenders can be detained or supervised until age 21, while they might face much longer terms for sexual assault in adult court.

“This case may also underscore how important it is to have judges serve in juvenile court (who are) well trained in aspects of adolescent development, and the many ways we can hold young people accountable for their crimes,” she said.

About the Expert

Marsha Levick co-founded Juvenile Law Center in 1975. Throughout her legal career, Levick has been an advocate for children’s and women's rights and is a nationally recognized expert in juvenile law.