Urgent Action Needed to Help Provide Housing for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care

Jennifer Pokempner,
White woman holding a cell phone to her ear, looking off camera.

Please call your Senators today and ask them Senators to support S. 2803, The Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act, so that no youth ages out to homelessness.

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This urgent legislation was drafted and championed by countless youth and alumni of the foster care system. The House has taken action in support of this bill, and the Senate must take action immediately.

What's at Stake: From Foster Care to Homelessness

All young people need and deserve support as they make the challenging transition to adulthood. But each year, about 21,000 youth age out of foster care on their own without being connected with family. These youth have incredible strengths and potential, but they are at high risk for poor outcomes when they are not provided the supports they need. One of the most devastating that thousands of these young people will face is homelessness and housing instability. Close to one third experience homelessness after aging out of foster care.

What This Bill Will Do 

The Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act (s. 2803) would make a HUD policy that created the Fostering Youth to Independence Program into a federal law. This program allows Public Housing Authorities to access housing vouchers for youth who are about to age out or who have aged out. This vital housing support will allow youth to focus on meeting their education and employment goals and still afford and maintain stable, long-term housing. 

Take Action: Call Your Senators

Please call your Senators TODAY and urge them to support S. 2803!  Click the button to find their contact information, or call 202-224-3121 and ask to speak to your Senator(s) by name.

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When you call, say:

“I care about youth in foster care and think that no youth should age out to homelessness.  Please support the Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act, S. 2803.  It will provide youth aging out of foster care the support that all youth need to make a successful transition to adulthood.”