A Message for the end of Youth Justice Action Month

October is Youth Justice Action Month, an opportunity to elevate youth in the justice system, the issues they face, and their incredible resilience. On October 2nd, Juvenile Law Center launched the Broken Promises: Futures Denied, the second edition of their powerful Broken Bridges report that has been used by policymakers, state agencies, and others to help guide their work. Youth advocates from Juvenile Law Center’s Youth Advocacy Program worked for the past year, drafting the publication, which highlights their personal experiences and new recommendations they developed in collaboration with seasoned attorneys and policy experts at Juvenile Law Center. The publication shines a light on the harrowing experiences youth faced in congregate care settings, including racial discrimination, LGBTQIA+ bias, gender bias, education barriers, physical abuse, and disability justice including mental health. Readers will also find thorough policy recommendations to remedy the harms of the juvenile legal and child welfare systems and identify alternatives to keep kids in their communities.
The youth advocate authors of the Broken Promises: Futures Denied share below why people should run to read the new publication and how this publication can bring justice and action to youth.
Too many people are unaware of the sad reality of what really goes on inside and around youth placement facilities. As someone who was formerly in care, I am all too familiar with the many echoes from youth about the harsh and harmful practices in too many of these facilities. Broken Bridges, Futures Denied is a project focused on shedding light on the unfortunate experiences many youth have encountered during their involvement with these facilities. I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied because it offers a first-hand account from youth who may otherwise go unheard. I believe these testimonies are crucial to finally bringing justice and action to the youth these systems are supposed to protect. It is my hope that this project inspires readers to take action wherever they can to ensure the safety and growth of youth in care. The youth are our future and their voices must be heard!
I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied so they know what youth go through when they are removed from their homes and families. Youth are the future, and they have the best perspective on what is going on in placements. I believe that this publication can bring justice by putting the word out to people that are unaware of the harms of these systems, and how they don’t improve the lives of children. Broken Promises allows the readers to go more in depth on the experience of youth at different placements and facilities, and how it really impacted their lives and exposed some to traumatic experiences. With Broken Promises published, youth will feel more heard because they can read what other youth already went through, relate, and learn ways to overcome it. This publication may also spark people’s interest to join justice reform groups to make an impact using their own lived experience. Without justice reform, the world wouldn’t have fair justice for youth; without fairness, youth won’t have a chance to grow or overcome their obstacles.
I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied because it really dives into the challenges youth face and opens people's eyes to what's going on. It can help foster empathy and understanding, which is important for creating change. Additionally, it might inspire action and motivate others to get involved! This publication sheds light on important issues that affect youth today.
Broken Promises: Futures Denied can bring justice and action to youth by highlighting their struggles and giving them a voice. When people read about these issues, it can spark conversations and motivate them to take action. Plus, it can help create a sense of community and support among young people!
I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied because it is written directly by youth. I also think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied because this publication can bring justice and action to youth by ensuring that laws and policies are rooted in research. This publication can also bring action because people can access it online from anywhere. This publication can bring justice because other people that suffered or went through hard times in the system may feel more comfortable opening up about it and sharing their stories as well.
I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Futures Denied because it’s about youth who were in the system and how they were treated. Broken Promises: Futures Denied helped me heal my trauma from the system. I was in the system for a couple of years, and I was able to write my story and share it with others to help make my voice heard. It’s not always easy for former and current foster children and children with experience in the justice system to share their stories and let people know how they were treated. Not only does the publication share that, it also can help people understand stuff that happens in the system that some people don’t talk about. Broken Promises: Futures Denied can bring justice to the youth because it can help change the system and the way youth are treated in the system. The publication brings a voice for youth in the system, not just the ones who had a part in the writing process. It also brings support and lets youth know they're not alone in whatever they’re going through in the system.
I think everyone should read Broken Promises: Future Denied. By reading this, people will gain knowledge to help those in the system and spread awareness of what shouldn’t be happening in the system. I also think people should read the book because some of the experience gained could help guide someone who will be able to gain knowledge to be able to help people in the system and spread awareness of what shouldn’t be happening in the system. I also think people should read the book because some of the experiences could be used to help guide someone that may have a similar issue in the system.
Youth advocates took the time to share experiences to help youth who went through similar experiences or who are still experiencing harm and help hold systems accountable. This book is a sequel. I would encourage you to read the first edition, Broken Bridges, first, then read Broken Promises: Future Denied. These stories are real, don't pass judgment. Save our next generation. Help our young people. The system fails them over and over again. It's time for a change. Our young people can do anything they set their mind to. So please just don't be a bystander. Help our youth grow and prosper, lead them to success, give them love, give them everything they deserve. Show them they're not just someone's check, they are worth the world. I hope you love both editions and I hope you're able to gain knowledge from both to better support our youth.