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John Kelly, The Chronicle of Social Change •
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Kerith Gabriel, Philadelphia Weekly •

His story was one of many during a daylong series of testimony and affirmations and pleas to Philadelphia City Council during a hearing inside Council’s

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Samantha Melamed, •

Kate Burdick, staff attorney at the Juvenile Law Center, pointed to a 2014 study of a facility where the two groups of juveniles were housed together: It found

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Julie Zeglen, •

Impact100 Philadelphia is serving as the local sponsor of the national Women’s Collective Giving Grantmakers Network (WCGGN) Conference, to be held at The Logan

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Andy Thompson, Post Crescent •

Marsha Levick, deputy director and chief counsel of the Juvenile Law Center in Philadelphia, is hopeful that the high court will hear Dassey’s case. Her

The state Department of Corrections agreed to eventually ban its guards from using pepper spray and limit using solitary confinement to manage behavior of teen

In The News •

"Cyntoia's sentence is wholly disproportionate for a 16-year-old girl, and therefore unconstitutional," Marsha Levick, deputy director and chief counsel for the Juvenile Law Center, said