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Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

"Reintegration is not a federal program, it's a community process." Rights & Responsibilities (c) 2007 City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program / Eric Okdeh

What can Leap Year teach us about effective advocacy for kids involved with our court and justice systems?

Every four years, Leap Day is added to the calendar on February 29th because the length of a year is actually 365.242 days, not 365 days. The practice of aligning our annual calendar with scientific knowledge dates back to the days of Julius Caesar. It was Caesar who created the leap year in 45 B.C., based upon the calculations made by his astronomer, Sosigenes. As scientific knowledge grew, the calendar was again adjusted in the 16th century, bringing us the modern Gregorian calendar.

Thousands of years ago, the Romans recognized the need to base policy and practice decisions upon scientific research and knowledge. On this Leap Day, we thought we should take a moment (we have a whole extra day, after all!) to reflect upon the need to consider developmentally-appropriate, research-driven solutions for children involved in America's justice system. By taking account of the growing body of science about children's cognitive, social, and emotional development, we can leap substantially ahead in our adoption of progressive juvenile and criminal justice policies.

Pennsylvania can provide stronger support to older foster youth, encourage adoption and save money by implementing common-sense changes to its foster care policies, according to a new report issued by Juvenile Law Center and Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children.

Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

In December 2011, Pennsylvania enacted its version of the federal Adam Walsh Act—a piece of draconian legislation that will require up to lifetime registration for Pennsylvania juveniles convicted of sex offenses. The General Assembly passed the law, and the Governor signed it, despite a steady and persistent chorus of dissent from leading child advocates across the state and nation. Why would children's advocates raise concerns about a new law that ostensibly aims to protect children? Because the law has the potential to destroy more lives than it will protect, while robbing Pennsylvania taxpayers of critical resources.

Governor Tom Corbett of Pennsylvania today announced his proposed budget plan for fiscal year 2012-2013, which included a proposal for full implementation of the older youth provisions of the federal Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act (Fostering Connections). Foster youth who age out of care without permanent family supports and connections are one of our most vulnerable populations. These youth, who have histories of abuse and neglect, are strong, resilient, and full of potential, but can easily fall through the cracks as they enter adulthood. They deserve better—and we as a nation can do better.

Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

Are you the same person you were when you were 14 years old?

Or have you gained some insight and wisdom, and become more responsible since then? With few exceptions, we all experience dramatic changes in the way we think and handle ourselves as we move into adulthood. But what if a 14-year-old makes a terrible decision that he can't take back—something that resulted in the death of another person? Does the fact that he made a horrible decision suddenly erase his innate capacity for change? Settled research says no.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court takes action to require that juveniles have legal representation in juvenile delinquency proceedings

A partial settlement for over $17 million has been reached in the Luzerne County juvenile-court civil litigation

Blog post
Robert Schwartz and Marsha Levick,

Welcome to "Pursuing Justice: The Blog." As we launch our new website, we now wade into this cyberspace of news and opinion, where we hope to bring you our news and views about the ever-changing world of children and the law. We will offer timely and relevant updates on the latest developments in our field and provide expert insights into headline news about children and the law for our readers, friends, and supporters. Juvenile Law Center's unique status as the nation's oldest public interest law firm for children allows us to provide unique perspectives on the stories making headlines and emerging trends.

We founded Juvenile Law Center in 1975. If we close our eyes, we can still clearly see our first office—the half-smoked glass door with the name "Juvenile Law Center of Philadelphia" neatly printed on the outside; the three interior rooms configured to include a waiting room, an office, and an examination room; the worn hallway common to older office buildings in downtown Philadelphia in the mid 1970s. This was the first of many homes for Juvenile Law Center...

Press Releases
Juvenile Law Center,
Nationwide group of experts names Juvenile Law Center one of the best nonprofits in the criminal justice sector