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Blog post
Executive Director, Susan V. Mangold; Deputy Director and Chief Counsel, Marsha Levick,

Happy New Year! While we are preparing to confront new challenges in 2017, we ended 2016 with some important wins in some of our key issue areas: reducing transfer to adult court, ending juvenile life-without-parole and other extreme sentencing, and improving educational access and success for foster youth and justice system-involved youth.

Press Releases
Juvenile Law Center,

Today the Department of Justice issued critical guidance on the use of costs, fines and fees for youth in the juvenile justice system. This development follows a campaign of advocacy and research on the widespread abuse of costs, fines and fees in the juvenile justice system, and Juvenile Law Center’s publication of a groundbreaking national report on the issue.

In The News
Molly McCluskey, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange •
In The News
Samantha Melamed, •
In The News
Larry Hannan, •
In The News
Paul Samakow, Communities Digital News •