Legal Docket

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351 - 360 of 388 resultsReset
Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court •
Juvenile Law Center briefed the issue of a juvenile’s consent to a search of his home and voluntary waiver of his Miranda rights.
Solitary Confinement & Harsh Conditions
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit •
Whether a detention center's strip search policy absent probable cause or individualized suspicion violates the Fourth Amendment.
Youth Tried as Adults
Colorado Supreme Court •
Argued against Colorado’s “direct file” statute on the grounds that it violates equal protection guarantees, contravenes separation of powers principles, and denies a defendant due process where statute allows sentencing as an adult following conviction for a crime that would not have made him eligible for adult prosecution.
Sex Offender Registration of Children (SORNA)
Pennsylvania Superior Court •
Juvenile Law Center’s brief addressed whether statements made in response to law-enforcement questioning while youth was in court-ordered treatment were involuntary.
Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
Connecticut Supreme Court •
Argued in support of a 14-year-old who sought to suppress her confession because police failed to advise her that she would be prosecuted as an adult.
Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
Illinois Supreme Court •
Addressed the issues of due process violations in Illinois’ blended sentencing schemes and the interpretation of a youth’s request for counsel.
Keeping Kids in the Community
Pennsylvania Superior Court •
Argued that the PA Juvenile Act authorizes child welfare courts to retain jurisdiction over foster children aged 18 to 21 and to order agencies to continue to serve those youth in a course of treatment or instruction.
Juvenile Life Without Parole (JLWOP)
U.S. Supreme Court •
Supreme Court held the execution of juveniles unconstitutional. Juvenile Law Center’s brief argued the developmental differences between adolescents and adults in critical areas, including impulse control and understanding consequences.
Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
U.S. Supreme Court •
Application of Miranda warnings to 17-year-old and whether age must be considered when determining the question of whether he was "in custody."