Posts in 'Amicus Curiae'

Juvenile Life Without Parole (JLWOP)
South Dakota Supreme Court •

Argued that the trial court abused its discretion by failing to give proper weight during transfer or sentencing to the age and related characteristics of a physically and sexually abused 15-year-old who participated in a murder with the adult who was abusing her.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court •

Amici challenged a lower court’s holding limiting relief available via Pennsylvania’s summary offense expungement statute to only a narrow class of petitioners.

Sex Offender Registration of Children (SORNA)
Illinois Appellate Court •

Argued that mandatory lifetime sex offender registration applied to children is punishment in violation of the U.S. and the Illinois constitutional bans on the infliction of cruel and unusual punishment and due process.

Sex Offender Registration of Children (SORNA)
Washington Supreme Court •

According to the lower court, the child victim is also the perpetrator of a sex crime against himself. 

Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
U.S. Supreme Court •

Argued that a ten-year-old is unlikely to fully understand and appreciate the nature of his Miranda rights and should not be able to waive them on his own.

Juvenile Life Without Parole (JLWOP)
U.S. Supreme Court •

Argued that sentences of 133 years and 68 years for juveniles convicted of nonhomicide offenses, with only the possibility of geriatric release, are unconstitutional as they fail to provide a meaningful opportunity to obtain release as mandated by Graham v. Florida.

Youth Tried as Adults
Missouri Supreme Court •

Argued that Missouri’s Armed Criminal Action statute, as applied to juveniles, is unconstitutional because its mandatory incarceration provision provides no opportunity to consider a juvenile’s reduced culpability, age, and related characteristics as required by Graham and Miller.

Youth Interrogations & Access to Counsel
Washington Court of Appeals •

Argued that, given the significance of the child’s liberty interests at stake, due process requires appointment of counsel for children in dependency proceedings.

Juvenile Life Without Parole (JLWOP)
Colorado Supreme Court •
Our brief argued that Nathan had a constitutionally protected right to conflict-free counsel that was violated when the representation was allowed to proceed. Our brief argued that special scrutiny is required when a child’s liberty interest is at stake and the parent and child’s interest diverge so that the parent cannot play the traditionally protective parental role.
Juvenile Life Without Parole (JLWOP)
U.S. Supreme Court •
Our brief argued that automatic exclusion from juvenile court of certain youth charged with murder when combined with the imposition of mandatory sentences is unconstitutional, pursuant to recent Supreme Court rulings in Roper, Graham, and Miller, which established that youth are fundamentally different from adults in constitutionally relevant ways.