Farewell to our Bob

It is with the deepest sadness and heaviest of hearts that we write to share that Bob Schwartz passed on October 8, 2024. Our loss is immeasurable, our world is diminished.
Bob was our much-loved co-founder — but so much more. Bob was a gentle, kind giant among us, who was brilliant, funny, and infinitely curious. He was both a thought partner and a thought leader, who transformed the field of youth rights through innovative advocacy, strategic partnerships, scholarship and public discourse.
He was an unparalleled punster, a rabid Phillies fan, world traveler and annual contributor to the financial bottom line for Diet Coke. He was a most generous friend, mentor, teacher and advisor to us all. At whatever stage of life we were, Bob opened new doors for us. He touched the hearts of so many, here and around the world. And while he lived his life sparely, his riches were abundant — his golden spirit shone for everyone he met.
Although Bob had been sick for several months, and even as his days became harder, we still feel unprepared to meet the world without him. When we spoke finally and with candor about his illness, he told me he was at peace with his journey, and the approaching end. I told him I was not, that I was not ready for him to go. His response: this is easy for me, I’m just implementing part of a strategic plan.
So Bob.
There is no joy in Mudville tonight. But not because our hero has struck out, but because our hero has played his last game. The lights in the ballpark will flicker and dim, as they blink away the tears.
So raise a glass of Diet Coke, grab a cheesesteak, and cheer on the Phillies. Bob will be doing the same.
We mourn, but we remember.
With grief and with love,
May your final steps be easy. We will miss you, Bob.