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In The News
Kate Giammarise, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette •

House Bill 1745 would would create college tuition waivers for foster youth age 14 and older at state-supported institutions, such as state-owned universities, state-related universities

National children’s rights public interest law firm underscores how excessive fines and fees put children and families nationwide at risk.
Blog post
Susan Mangold, Executive Director; Jessica Feierman, Associate Director,
Yesterday in Wisconsin, Western District Judge Peterson approved the settlement of a class action lawsuit filed to end the abusive use of solitary confinement, pepper spray, strip searches and restraints at two large facilities in Wisconsin. 
In The News
Patrick Marley and Don Behm, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel •

The settlement will end the use of pepper spray, greatly restrict solitary confinement and reduce strip searches while Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake remain open

In The News
The Associated Press, Wisconsin Public Radio, NPR •

A federal judge has signed off on an agreement that would end the use of pepper spray and nearly eliminate the use of solitary confinement

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AP Wire Service, •

The settlement agreement ends a class action lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin and the Juvenile Law Center, which represented inmates

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The Associated Press, Fox47, Madison, Wisconsin •

The settlement agreement ends a class action lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin and the Juvenile Law Center, which represented inmates

In The News
Patrick Marley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel •

 Lawsuits over the problems at Wisconsin’s juvenile prison complex have cost the state $20.6 million so far and those costs will continue to rise — possibly by

In The News
Jesse Kelley, •

Other states also are in discussions about how best to implement similar initiatives. In Philadelphia, the Juvenile Law Center has launched a coalition effort titled "Safely Home