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31 - 40 of 2022 resultsReset

Three years after a bipartisan multi-stakeholder Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice Task Force issued pressing recommendations to reform the juvenile justice system, youth in Pennsylvania still desperately

In The News
Hallie Jacobs, Local 21, CBS News •

Four years ago, a task force was put together to look at the juvenile justice system.

It created a list of

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Chandlee Kuhn, Reason •

A former chief judge of Delaware's Family Court argues that imposing fines and fees on juvenile offenders undermines their potential to become productive, law-abiding adults

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Anahi Figueroa-Martinez, Daily Times •

I have been a youth advocate for children in the justice system for eight years now. Pennsylvania has had so many different scandals and stories

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Nancy Gertner and Andre Davis, The Baltimore Banner •

Amid media reports about juvenile offenders, politicians rush to appear tough on crime.

It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same