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1711 - 1720 of 2022 resultsReset
Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

Despite the availability of health insurance under ACA for over a year, many eligible young adults across the country have not enrolled – primarily because they don’t know that they qualify.

Blog post
Executive Director and Co-Founder, Bob Schwartz,

Executive Director and Co-Founder, Bob Schwartz, on Juvenile Law Center's 40-year odyssey of acheiving justice and ensuring opportunities for children at risk.

In The News
Jonathan Weyand, The Daily Pennsylvanian •
In The News
Molly Knefel, The Nation Magazine •
In The News
Jason Laughlin, •
In The News
Gary Gately, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette •
In The News
Gary Gately, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange •
Blog post
Juvenile Law Center,

As the country spends April doing more for children in dire circumstances, we’re leading efforts to protect child welfare- and justice-involved youth from abusive conditions.

In The News
The Economist,
In The News
Jonathan Lai, The Inquirer •