Extended Foster Care in Kentucky
General Eligibility
Court may extend commitment up to age 21 upon motion of child and agreement of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Ky. Rev. Stat. §§ 610.110(6), 620.140(1)(d)-(e).
Extension Process
Case Management Requirements
Beginning at least 6 months prior to an eligible youth attaining the age of 18, the Cabinet for Health and Family Servicesshall provide the eligible youth with education, encouragement, assistance, and support regarding the development of a transition plan, and inform the eligible youth of his or her right to extend commitment beyond the age of eighteen. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 620.140(d).
Eligibility & Procedure
Court may reinstate commitment up to age 21. The request shall be made by the youth prior to attaining 19 years of age. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 620.140(1)(e).
Courts & Rights
Court Oversight of Extended Care
Court may extend commitment up to age 21 upon motion of child. Ky. Rev. Stat. §§ 610.110(6), 620.140(1)(d)-(e).
Eligibility for Extended Adoption Assistance
Federally-funded adoption assistance may continue between ages 18 and 21 if the child has a disability that warrants its continuation. 922 Ky. Admin. Regs. 1:060. § 6. Kansas statute authorizes state-funded adoption assistance to continue between ages 18 and 21 if the child is enrolled in a state or federal educational program. Ky. Rev. Stat. § 199.555.
However, by regulation, assistance is only extended until age 19 for children who are attending high school. 922 Ky. Admin. Regs. 1:050 § 6(2)(b)(7).
Eligibility for Extended Guardianship Assistance
Kentucky does not offer extended guardianship assistance.