A toolkit is for social workers, advocates, case workers, and other child welfare professionals to further support their work to achieve meaningful legal permanency and relational permanency.
Juvenile Law Center collaborated with Disability Rights Pennsylvania and Education Law Center to design a toolkit to help transition-age youth and their advocates prepare for IEP meetings and develop strong IEP Transition Plans. The toolkit helps these youth and their advocates actively engage in the transition planning process by allowing them to set goals, identify barriers, and brainstorm possible services in advance of the IEP meeting.
Beginning August 1, 2016, foster youth can submit an application and get a disability determination 6 months before their expected discharge date, even if they do not yet meet the income eligibility requirements due to their foster care payments.
For their 2015-2016 project, Juveniles for Justice youth advocates focused on access to higher education for justice-involved youth. The advocates developed a set of recommendations
For their 2015-2016 project, Juveniles for Justice youth advocates focused on access to higher education for justice-involved youth. The advocates developed a set of recommendations
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