Listservs for Professionals
Juvenile Law Center operates several free listservs to help foster discussion among and provide information for attorneys and professionals about issues facing youth in the foster care and justice systems.
National Juvenile Justice and Education Listserv: For professionals (lawyers, policy advocates, local and federal agency staff, educators) who promote education success for young people in the juvenile and adult criminal justice system.
Implementing Pennslyvania's Act 91 Listserv: For Pennsylvania child welfare professionals, lawyers, paralegals, and advocates to discuss how to implement the Resumption of Jurisdiction Provision of Act 91.
Pennsylvania Child Advocacy Listserv: For lawyers representing children in dependency matters in Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Juvenile Life Without Parole Listserv: Provides resources, updates, and technical support for attorneys representing individuals in Pennsylvania who were sentenced to life without parole as juveniles.
Philly Youth Re-Entry Listserv: A forum for the exchange of information among service providers, advocates, and supporters of Philly youth who are leaving the juvenile justice system.